
Blockchain331 brings your enterprise blockchain to reality.

Since 2009, Blockchain has come a long way from a single cryptocurrency application to today powering thousands of enterprise grade solutions in the works. Touted as perhaps the most important technology since the internet, this technology will disrupt the way enterprises conduct their business with their partners, ecosystem and how they offer solutions to their customers. New business models will be created, and old business models will evolve.

Blockchain331, with over 50 years of combined enterprise blockchain architecture, strategy, implementation and expertise, we understand the need for a comprehensive, tested solution that fits with your existing enterprise technology investments.

Our various clients face similar challenges, regardless of the industry, understanding this complex, business disrupting technology, with elements of cryptography, peer-to-peer transactions, scalable architecture, identity management and post-chain-data for enterprise analysis -All of these need experts who understand holistically, as they don’t exist or run in silos, anymore and that’s where Blockchain331 comes in.

These are true Blockchain Heros!


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Blockchain vs Bitcoin

Are Bitcoin and blockchain the same thing? No, they aren’t. However, they are closely related. When Bitcoin was released as open source code, blockchain was wrapped up together with it in the same solution. And since Bitcoin was the first application of blockchain, people often inadvertently used “Bitcoin” to mean blockchain. That’s how the misunderstanding started. Blockchain … Continue reading Blockchain vs Bitcoin

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